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December 8, 2021

Welcome to My Blog!

Hey, I'm datallboy! I'm a sysadmin professionally, self taught full stack JS developer (which is how I built this site), and a new dad! Probably like most people who start a tech blog, I need a way to keep various notes and snippets organized. So what better way to keep notes than share them with others!

Stack of Hats

I wear many hats in my career. Frequently I'll change field of study on a weekly basis, because I get bored studying the same topic for too long. Some days I'll setup a virtualized hypervisor lab. Others I'll dive into x86 assembly and reverse engineering random binaries.

At some point I will upload various notes on "Where to start in Cybersecurity" and others guides I share amoungst beginners. Most of what I share will be free resources, as I believe learning is a right and should be available to all who seek knowledge.

If you're just interested in chatting, come check out my Discord server. It's full of IT professionals and hobbyists just hanging out and talking about tech.

Want a site like this? I'm available for hire! Send me an email